The humanities and social science

2019 Issue №2

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Convergence of legal thinking from the perspective of the uncertainty principle



In this contribution, we analyse convergence within the integrative con­cept of legal thinking. Our article responds to the deficiencies of the estab­lished jurisprudence methodology, which is unable either to incorporate new facets of law or to provide a new perspective on the understanding of law. We investigate how the principle of uncertainty and complementarity works in the theory of law and explain why these principles have a similar effect within the concepts of integrative legal thinking. Further, we examine the appropri­ateness and efficacy of using in jurisprudence a transdisciplinary approach, i. e. extrapolating methodologies from across disciplines to the theory of law. We propose to extrapolate to jurisprudence the principles of uncertainty, which implies that a legal rule cannot deal with both elements of moral law and rules of conduct. I conclude that developing a single framework for the understanding of law by converging methodologies from across disciplines will help to identify new facets of law.


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