Physics, mathematics, and technology

2019 Issue №1

Eliseeva N. A., Popov Y. I.


The authors construct Foss and Green's normalizations in Norden's sense internally invariantly. The research sets tangent affine connections and tangent central affine connections of the main structural subbundles of H(L, L)-distribution of affine space.

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Program realization of calculation method of radio signal attenuation in atmospheric gases for satellite communications


The authors study the application of calculation method of radio signal attenuation in atmospheric gases, proposed by International Telecommunica­tion Union [1]. The paper describes the algorithm of attenuation calculation, created in MATLAB program and calculated resulting attenuation for latitu­des are greater than 45°.

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The export control system automatization


The paper considers one of the options for automation of the export con­trol system taking into account the norms of modern Russian legislation. It is concluded that the best option for such an information system is a web appli­cation. The model of classes of export control system by means of UML nota­tion was developed. The paper describes the main roles of users in this system and their functionality. The authors also preliminarily estimate of the time re­quired to process the document before and after the implementation of the in­formation system.

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Developing an employee outflow predicting model


For many manufacturing enterprises and large companies which emply many people, there is a problem of staff turnover and, thus, unreliability. As a result, management can't effectively control the outflow of highly qualified personnel, which can result in reduced productivity. The author sees his task in addressing this issue through building a predictive model of the employee outflow. The research included reviewing a dataset of employee outflow, de­veloping some machine learning algorithms and testing a predictive model.

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Investigation of the conditions of applicability of Wiener's attack on the RSA cryptosystem


The paper considers the Wiener’s attack for a small secret key in the RSA cryptosystem. Presented a new bound on the secret key, derived under more general assumptions. It is shown that the obtained bound is more accurate than the Wiener’s bound under the classical conditions. The conditions of ap­plicability of Wiener's attack when the bound on the secret key is exceeded. Recommendations on the choice of parameters for the cryptosystem developer are given.

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