Natural and medical sciences

2019 Issue №1

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Methods of spatial scientometrics in the study of countries and region



The article focuses on the approaches that explain the essence of scien­to­metrics as a set of methods for studying science. The paper also discusses the use of scientometric instruments in the spatial analysis of the geography of knowledge. The countries of the Baltic region were taken as an example. The empirical base of the research was the international database Scopus and an analytical tool for monitoring and analyzing scientific research — SciVal. On the basis of three methods of spatial scientometrics, the main aspects of the pub­lication activity of selected countries were analyzed. The results of the stu­dy showed that scientometrics is an important basis for analyzing the degree of countries and regions scientific potential development, and its methods ma­ke it possible to study the dependence of scientific productivity on a specific spa­tial level, to identify the most relevant and popular research topics and as­sess international relations between organizations and individual authors.


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