The humanities and social science

2019 Issue №1

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On implementation of legal investigation in the Russian criminal process



The quality of a defense lawyer’s work depends on the skills, knowledge, profes­sional experience and some other factors, but still the most efficient tool is the range of lawyer’s mandate, and more specifically, the access to collecting the evidence. The article considers the challenges of a lawyer’s work in collect­ing evidence, specific proposals to improve the process of collecting evidence in a criminal process are made. The area of criminal procedural law governing the power to gather evidence by a lawyer is the most sensitive and vulnerable point for criticism from analysts. The process of evidence gathering in the framework of the criminal process should be ultimately regulated so that to exercise several principles of criminal justice, includ­ing the presumption of innocence, ensuring the suspect the right to defense, adver­sary parties who should not act only in trial, but also at the preliminary investiga­tion stage.


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