Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №1

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Parallels of psychoanalysis in the intellectual and creative biography of Hugo von Hofmannsthal



Sigmund Freud and Hugo von Hofmannsthal are among the most im­portant representatives of the world culture of the beginning of the 20th centu­ry, which was equally influenced by science and arts. The creative work of the Aus­trian poet Hofmannsthal, also a dramatist and a writer, is a good example of this kind of symbiosis. The remaining part of Hofmannsthal’s library, his letters to other cultural influencers (Arthur Schnitzler, Hermann Bahr, Carl Burckhardt, Ernst Chladni) and the memories of him (Rudolf Kassner) refer to Hofmanns­thal’s interest in psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis, and many of his literary works allude to Sigmund Freud’s findings. The psy­chograme of the pro­tagonists in his works resemble the types of psyche similar to the ones described by Sigmund Freud. Hofmannsthal’s characters are driv­en by instincts, which are irrational and often lead to self-destruction («Das Märchen der 672 Nacht», «Elektra»). Their dreams disclose the subconscious and the hidden wishes better than the protagonists themselves. The self-identification of Hofmannsthal’s cha­racters and Freud’s patients is fragment­ed. They can neither identify them­selves as an integrated personality nor tell the difference between reality and the dream world. This fragmentation is re­flected in the language of his characters, as it is seen in the case of the protag­onist in the short story «Der Brief», who can nei­ther think, nor speak logical­ly.


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