Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №1

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Nikolay Kononov's novel “Flaneur” in the context of Polish messianism: history and myth



The article describes the specific features of Kononov’s dialogue as the au­thor of the novel “Flaneur” with Polish messianism, which is presented by Mickiewicz’s “Books and the Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation” and Slovat­sky’s “Journey to the East”. Kononov’s parody and play with historical myths of Polishness allow the reader to compare his novel with the literary works of Gombrovich. The author concludes that Kononov’s Tadeush represents the an­thropological trichotomy: clothing — body — soul. In the parody and lan­guage representation of the Polish messianic idea, the key role is played by the verbs “to wander”, “to choose”, “to lead”and “to send”.


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