Physics, mathematics, and technology

2018 Issue №3

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A sample assessment of the constellation form influence on noise immunity for reception of the QAM-8 radio signal in the Matlab environment



The study of signals with quadrature-amplitude modulation is an urgent task due to their wide application in the satellite television broadcasting systems, as well as for the communication channel of the INMARSAT satellite communication system and the Sirius satellite. The paper presents the results of a study, when an experimental facility was assembled to assess the probability of receiving bit error for a QAM-8 radio signal, depending on the type of signal constellation for different SNRs in the MathLAB + Simulink simulation environment. The results of the research, as well as the developed experimental facility, will be used in the comparative assessment of noise stability of the radio communication channel using standard and prospective patented information transmission systems within the maritime mobile service when receiving radio signals with QAM modulation.


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