The humanities and social science

2018 Issue №4

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On determining the import-replacement share for mechanical engineering in the Kaliningrad region



The region's mechanical engineering contributes most to the rapid and efficient transition from the previous to the subsequent technological level and it was chosen as the object of the current research. The authors identify technological safety within more general scope of national security typology. The article reflects on the empirical data on the scale of mechanical engineering development in industrialized countries. The analysis of import flows of the North-Western subjects of the RF revealed that regional enterprises significantly lack technologically innovative machines and equipment. It brings about the conclusion that the local industry must be more focused on some import replacing productions. The authors propose a method and calculation of the share of imports and the balance of export-import flows in mechanical engineering products of the Kaliningrad region to its consumption. Such methodology makes it possible to determine the optimal import-replacing proportion of mechanical engineering in the region, which corresponds to a value of ≥ 50%. The established import-replacing share of regional engineering industry can be achieved due to a mechanism for ensuring the spatial and economic collaboration between import replacing entities of the regional economic system.


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