Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2018 Issue №4

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Readiness for mediation among the students with the degree in Humanities: a structural-functional model



The article analyzes the problem of determining readiness for mediation as a professional activity in the works of Russian and international researchers, in view of the growing popularity of this social and humanitarian practice both in Russia and all over the world. The author shows the differences in the interpretation of readiness for activity as well as in the requirements for training mediators in Russia, the United Kingdom and the USA. The researcher states the need for a humanist outlook and the ability to conduct social and humanitarian practices, crucial for the professional position of a mediator. According to the author, bachelors in Humanities have a certain advantage in the development of readiness for mediation. The author works out the model of readiness for mediation as a universal competence. The structure of this competence includes emotional-evaluative, conative, cognitive components and mediation practice.


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