Physics, mathematics, and technology

Physics, mathematics, and technology

Mathematics and computer science

A Grouped Hyperplane Distribution of an Affine Space


In this article, I determine the grouped hyperplane distribution of the affine space An (SH-distribution) and prove the relevant existence theorem. I perform internal normalizations of the main structural subbundles of the SH-distribution in first and second-order differential neighbourhoods. Normal and tangent affine connections of the main structural subbundles of the SH-distribution are introduced.

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The Simulation Modelling of a Hotel Facility


This study aims to identify the features of the simulation modelling of a hospitality business. Such simulations can be used to increase the efficiency of property management in view of the major trends in the relevant segments of the tourism industry. We suggest an approach to the simulation modelling of a hospitality facility that will help to streamline its structure and increase the profits of the business.

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Developing an Information System to Forecast the Expenditure of an Online Store, Using the Mamdani Algorithm


We present an information system capable of performing the Mamdani algorithm operations, plotting graphs for the functions of fuzzy linguistic variables, and creating diagrams for a visual assessment of each type of expenditure. We provide a block diagram and describe a general algorithm for the information system operation. A class diagram of information system implementation is created in the UML. We outline the main principles of the system operation and describe the testing of the system and the analysis of the results obtained.

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Theoretical and experimental physics

Towards a Theory of Barotropic Geostrophic Currents


In this article, we examine barotropic geostrophic currents in a Cartesian and the polar coordinate system. The polar system is preferable for analysing geostrophic currents, since radial symmetry is intrinsic to these currents. We obtained ratios between the general hydrodynamic properties. The expressions of geostrophic current velocity components in terms of pressure were the most important among them. The procedure of deriving the expression of vorticity in terms of pressure was carried out. We determined that isobaths coincided with streamlines in stationary barotropic geostrophic currents. The radially symmetrical geostrophic current was studied in detail.

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A metalanguage for hybrid intelligent systems of electrical grid visual control: hierarchy, structure, situations, and states


In this paper, we describe three levels of a visual meta-language for hybrid intelligent systems of electrical grid management: 1) hierarchies of resources, actions, and properties; 2) spatial and operational-technological structures; 3) situations and states. A visual metalanguage qualitatively changes the performance of the subject of management and allows them to recognize a problem at a glance and see a workable solution without drawing logical inferences.

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An analysis of heterogeneous thinking techniques and the prospects for their implementation by hybrid intelligent multiagent systems


In this article, we consider techniques for, and approaches to, the organization of various stages of heterogeneous solution design in small expert teams. Simulating the heterogeneous design of team solutions by hybrid intellectual multi-agent systems will contribute to the efficiency of problem-solving in dynamic environments. We propose a structure of a hybrid intelligent multi-agent system for implementing the techniques considered.

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On a technique for the automatic detection of events in the reflectivity of an optical fiber, using wavelet transforms


In this article, we develop a technique for the automatic detection of nonreflective events in the fiber-optic section of a communication line, using wavelet transforms. We establish what wavelet-generating function is optimal for our case. This technique will contribute to the information value of traces of events observed in various inhomogeneities of a communication line.

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The Flow of Gas with Dispersed Particles in a Cylindrical Channel at a Subsonic Speed


In this article, we present a method and an algorithm for calculating the dynamic characteristics of gas flow in a cylindrical channel at a subsonic speed, in the presence of dispersed particles in the gas. The problem of identifying the dynamic characteristics of dispersed particle- containing inert gas feed into ladles and the converter is used to improve the accuracy of inert gas dosing. The relevant boundary value problem has no analytical solution. We consider the dynamics of a steady flow of a perfect gas containing dispersed particle in a vertical channel. Numerical methods are used to obtain a solution to the boundary value problem in the Mathcad environment. We present the results of a study of changes in gas parameters along the channel at different gas flow rates. The graphs show dimensional variables. We consider the distributed density of the dispersed phase, the temperatures of the carrier and dispersed phases, the Mach number M, the Reynolds number Re, the Nusselt number Nu, and the Stokes number Stk.

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Risk Analysis at Industrial Enterprises Exposed to Post-Earthquake Fires


In this article, I analyse risks borne by businesses that have experienced seismic impacts aggravated by secondary fires. I suggest taking into account this circumstance as part of a mechanism to ensure the post-earthquake fire safety of industrial facilities. It is also important to consider aspiration flows as an influencing factor. The risk analysis employs an algorithm for ensuring complex system safety, which proves to be universal. The mechanism in question should be employed in both preparing architectural plans of buildings and structures and conducting rescue operations in emergencies. Based on this analysis, I draw a sample of categorized industrial facilities located in smaller cities and rural areas.

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