Natural and medical sciences

2018 Issue №2

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Update of age data of the palvesk formation ("green wall") of Sambian peninsula (the Kaliningrad region)



The article describes the history of the study and the composition of the palvesk formation established in the deposits of the Paleogene of the Sambian Peninsula in the Kaliningrad Region. The authors give the most complete micro- and macro-faunistic characteristics, as well as the palynological complex according to previous studies. According to the results of absolute dating of glauconite isolated from the siltstones of the formation, as well as palynological data, it dates back to the Eocene age rather than the Oligocene (Ryupelian) as previously thought. This fact indicates that in the territory of the Kaliningrad Oblast, there may be no deposits of reliably Oligocene age, since it was only the palvesk formation which was thought to relate to an Oligocene formation.


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