Physics, mathematics, and technology

2018 Issue №1

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Two-dimensional supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the Moutard transformations



This is a treatise on a two-dimensional supersymmetric hamiltonian H whose components consists of two scalar (h0, h1) and one matrix-valued hml  quantum-mechanical Hamiltonians with constant terms added to the mix. In particular, the article discusses the ways to utilize a known solution of the spectral problem for operator h0 in the multi-dimensional generalization of the factorization method in order to pro-duce such  hml and h1 that their ground-state eigenvalues will be identical to each other but lower than that of h0. Then we propose a new scheme designed for the task of construction of supersymmetric Hamiltonian H with a degenerate eigenvalue E = 0 and provide the corresponding (0 + 1) super-multiplet with a broken U1 symmetry. Next, we describe the algorithm for production of the algebra of an extended supersymmetry. We determine the important connection that relates the Moutard formula with a problem of «insertion» of a new ground-state eigenvalue to the spectrum of the matrix-valued component of H. And, finally, we discuss the Moutard transformations and their viability for the higher dimensional cases when d > 2.


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