The humanities and social science

2018 Issue №2

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Certain issues of correlation between the international financial law and the EU law



The problem if interaction between the international financial law (IFL) and the EU law has become particularly vital in this integrational entity where a special legal system was created. It has been developing until now and carries the features of the both international and municipal law. Global financial crisis and subsequent sovereign debt crisis have substantially changed global financial architecture and led to a comprehensive reform of the financial branch in the EU. The author implementing systematic analysis and formal legal method as well as functional and structural analysis reviews different types of interaction between IFL and the EU legal order. Although international agreements form an integral part of the EU legal order, the rules of their interpretation differ from the primary and secondary EU legislation. The reverse influence of the EU law is carried out by EU institutions and Member States by participating in inter-governmental organizations and other international bodies which work out and review national implementation of International Financial Standards.


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