Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2018 Issue №2

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Non-verbal elements of a film text in the semiosis of power



Contemporary communication is witnessing an increasing role of visual elements. The development of cinema as a special sign system has contributed to this trend. Scholars agree on the definition of the film text as a unique type of text comprising both verbal and non-verbal elements. Film adaptations are an instance of intersemiotic translation. Today, television series are growing in popularity. This article studies various classifications of film text elements and analyses non-verbal signs used to demonstrate power in the ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘The Hollow Crown’ TV series, which are construed as an intersemiotic translation of G. Martin’s ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series of novels and W. Shakespeare’s plays respectively. The author identifies signs serving as non-verbal lexical units of the film text, used to emphasize the authority of a character.


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