The humanities and social science

2018 Issue №1

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Fiscal policies stimulating private investment in the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad region



The authors explore incentive mechanisms of stimulating private investment as it is reflected in the law on the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the Kaliningrad region. Statistics accumulated during the validity period of the law, allows the author to analyze the situation and to draw conclusions about the specificity and the main results of the SEZ mechanisms. The aim of this research is to identify patterns of investment activity in the Kaliningrad SEZ and assess the impact of the zonal fiscal mechanism. The authors use a variety of methods — the method of dynamic analysis, the modelling method, the comparative analysis and graphical interpretation of statistical data. The authors describe the cyclic character of investment activity in the Kaliningrad SEZ and identify possible causes of them. The authors propose formal models for analyzing the dynamics of investments within the SEZ. The authors conclude that the investment and tax mechanism that forms the basis of the SEZ in the Kaliningrad region have not been effective enough. The use of these mechanisms has not yet led to the achievement of the main goal of the SEZ-based accelerated socio-economic development of the region. The study is of interest for those interested in investment problems in the Kaliningrad Special Economic Zone and other Russian special economic territories.


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