Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2018 Issue №1

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Seme-symbol as a means of novel meaning formation in denominal verbs



The paper describes the results of denominal verb analysis. Corpora of media texts provide material for the analysis. The author explores patterns of novel meaning formation in denominal verbs. The proposed method is based on the notion of ‘seme-symbol’. The author reconstructions the semantic structure of motivating nouns and determines the role of different elements in the semantic structure of the verb. It is stressed that context contributes to the actualization or neutralization of particular semes, which leads to redistribution of elements in the semantic structure of the verb. The formation of novel meaning occurs through the actualization of the most relevant feature of the motivating noun in the semantic structure of the verb. The research on denominal verbal units showed that novel meaning formation is always contextually dependent. The redistribution of semes is caused by the influence of contextual qualifiers, resulting in the formation of new inner structural relations that lead to the formation of novel meanings of the verb.


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