The humanities and social science

2017 Issue №3

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Trade in the Kaliningrad region: methods of evaluation



The article suggests a new methodological approach to assessing business activity in retail trade in the Kaliningrad region. The authors present a methodology for calculating the regional index of business activity in retail trade, taking into account the specificity of the Kaliningrad region. Indicators of retail business activity in the region in 2016 are analyzed.


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2. Кубина Н.Е, Лукьянова Н. Ю., Щербинина Л. Ю. Методологический подход к оценке состояния бизнес-среды Калининградской области: деловая активность // Финансы и бизнес. 2017. № 1.
3. Потребительский рынок Калининградской области : статистический сборник. Калининград, 2016.