Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2017 Issue №3

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Particular features of Polish Hamlet in the novels “Homeless” by S.Zeromski and “Red Shields” by Y. Iwaszkiewicz



The authors study the evolution of “Polish Hamlet” image in prosaic works of the first half of the XXth century. They emphasize that the structure of this image in “Homeless” by S.Zheromsky and “Red Shields” by Ya. Ivashkevich is identified through the system of Hamlet’s character dominants as agent- ascetic personality and reflecting “ego”. The analysis concludes that Zheromsky within the frames of realistic novel successively implements the Hamlet’s psychological personality model while Ivashkevich a mystical effect of “Hamlet play” and his protagonist if a psychological type different from a Shakespeare’s one.


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