Physics, mathematics, and technology

2017 Issue №1

Representation of projective connections on the SH -distribution of the projective space


Projective connections defined by projection and associated to subbundles , L, E of the strong dual threefold distribution (the SH -distribution) of the projective space are constructed. Coverages of torsion-curvature tensors components of the constructed projective connections , ,  of subbundles , L, E of the SH -distribution respectively are given. The way of creation of dual projective connections , ,  corresponding to connections , ,  is specified.

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An influence of initial irregularities geometry on developments of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the equatorial F-layer of the ionosphere


Results of numerical simulation of the Rayleigh — Taylor instability for different geometrical characteristics of the initial irregularities for evening equatorial conditions based on electrodynamically coherent mathematical model of the equatorial ionosphere F-layer are given. It is shown that increase only in the vertical extent of initial irregularity significantly accelerates development a rayleigh-Taylor bubble whereas increase only in lateral dimensions of initial irregularity insignificantly slows down this development.

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