Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2016 Issue №3

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Language features of Bertha von Suttner's autobiography, «Lebenserinnerungen», in gender studies



The article deals with the manifestation of the gender aspect in the auto-biography "Lebenserinnerungen" by the Austrian writer Bertha von Suttner (XIX-XX c. с.). The analysis is performed on the example of the lexical-semantic category "The Feminine" which is implemented in the text in reference to lexical-semantic subcategories in explicit and implicit ways. The main language markers of the lexical-semantic subcategory "I am a woman" representing the explicit way of realization of "The Feminine" are self-nominations indicating the female sex. The implicit way presented by four lexical-semantic subcategories is characterized by functioning words whose referential relationship to "The Feminine" is established on the basis of logical and associative connections.


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