Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2016 Issue №3

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Linguistic aspects of the treatise by Abel Mathieu «Devis de la langue francoyse» (1559)



The article deals with the corpus of problems reflected in the first edition of Abel Matthieu’s «Devis de la langue francoyse» (1559). Author’s views on the actual for the French renaissance problems in linguistic tradition, such as the origin of language, it’s defense and illustration, interpretation of foreign texts are studied. The particular attention is paid to Abel Matthieu’s attempts to prove the self-sufficiency of French language.


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8. Jacquetin-Gaudet A. Devis de la langue française, 1559; suivi du Second Devis et principal propos de la langue française, 1560; texte original transcrit et annoté. Paris, 2008.

9. Matthieu A. Devis de la langue francoyse. Paris, 1559.

10. Peach T. Le «Devis de la langue françoise» d’Abel Matthieu (1572) // Bib­liothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance. 1993. Vol. 55, № 3. P. 591—602.

11. Rouget F. La langue française: obstacle ou atout de «l’Etat-nation»? // Re­naissance et Réforme. 2005. Vol. 41, № 1. P. 7—23.