Natural and medical sciences

2016 Issue №3

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Kaliningrad and Crimea as Russian exclaves: similarities, differences, and interconnections



The article examines the emergence and development of Crimea (including Sevastopol) as Russia’s fourth exclave. Using the typology of the world’s enclave areas as objects of political geography, the author identifies distinctive characteristics of the Kaliningrad region and Crimea (the Crimean federal district) and compares them to other national and international enclaves. Another focus is the evolution of both territories from the national exclaves within the USSR into external ones. The author analyses general characteristics of the Kaliningrad region and Crimea from the perspective of their enclave/ exclave status. On this basis, Crimea is classified as a quasi-enclave. Special attention is given to the geographic and socio-economic situations in the two exclaves and particularities of their administration from the mainland. The article describes cooperation between the two territories in production, research, and defense. The author analyses opportunities for Crimea to draw on the experience of the Kaliningrad region gained in the post-Soviet period. It is concluded that exclavity requires a coordinated federal and regional policy aimed at sustainable and secure development of both territories.


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