Physics, mathematics, and technology

2016 Issue №2

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Giving the 1st order affine connection by means of the 2nd order vector-valued forms



Affine connection is given by 2nd order vectors called horizontal. Vertical and horizontal forms of 2nd order are entered for 1st order affine connection. It is proved that symmetric affine connection in the bundle of tangent linear frames defines vertical linear operator (a vertical vertical-valued form of 2nd order for 1st order affine connection) from 2nd order tangent space into 1st order tangent space to a manifold. It is shown that affine connection in bundle of tangent lin-ear frames defines linear operator from 1st order cotangent space (space of forms of degree 1) in cotangent space of 2nd order. It is proved that affine connection in bundle of tangent linear frames defines horizontal linear operator (2nd order hor-izontal horizontal-valued form of 1st order affine connection) in 2nd order tan-gent bundle. It is shown that the second usual differential of a point of a mani-fold it is possible to present as sum of vertical and horizontal projectors.


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