Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2016 Issue №2

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Merezhkovsky and F. Sologub: Gogol's imprint in the dialogue about poshlost’



This article analyzes the dialogue between D. S. Merezhkovsky and Fedor Sologub that showed their vision of “poshlost’” (vulgarity, banality), which in turn had been informed by the legacy of N. V. Gogol. The author traces the analogies in the artistic depiction of poshlost’ by Sologub in his novel “The Petty Demon” (1905) and the critical interpretation of the phenomenon of poshlost’ by Merezhkovsky. The connection between Merezhkovsky’s study “Gogol and the Devil” (1906) and “The Coming Kham” (1906) is also shown. Sologub’s reaction to the article “The Coming Kham” is noted, that shows that he considered the works by Merezhkovsky as the development of issues raised in the novel “The Petty Demon”.


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