Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2015 Issue №11

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Social attitudes as a factor of delinquent behaviour in the underage



This article analyses the correlation between attitudes and social beha-viour and such factors as the strength/weakness and clarity/ambivalence of an attitude and the situation factor. The author considers the results of empirical studies into value orientations and moral and psychological attitudes based on samples of senior year school students and university students. The article studies correlation between social attitudes and asocial behaviour in children and adolescents. The influence of structural and psychological family deforma¬tion on asocial behaviour is discussed. It is stressed that, in identifying asocial behaviour of the underage, prio-rity is given to the psychosocial deformation of the family. A lack of supervi-sion is a more important delinquency factor than an adverse socioeconomic situation. It is emphasised that the mother plays the central role in the system of re-lationships of children and adolescents. A decrease in positive attitude to the mother and an increase in the number of negative descriptors when speaking of her is correlated with growing negativisation of all social relationships of a personality. It is stressed that parent-child relationships characterised by inconsis-tence and propensity to conflict contribute to the development of aggression in a child as a means to resolve interpersonal conflicts.


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