Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2015 Issue №8

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What Saussure wrote/did not write: A half a century discussion on the anagram theory



This article explores the history of studies into Ferdinand de Saussure’s ideas of anagrams. When Saussure’s notebooks were published in the late 1960s and his drafts in the 1990s, scholars received a wealth of material for in-terpretation going far beyond the initial topic of ancient Indo-European poetry. The paper emphasises the diversity of approaches to Saussure’s ideas — from J. Kristeva’s semiotics to M. Gronas’s mnemotechnical analysis. Over the recent decades, the study of anagrams has rested on the clarification of ter-minology and the promotion of the comparative and interdisciplinary ap-proaches.


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3. Лукреций (Тит Лукреций Кар). О природе вещей /пер. Ф. А. Петровского. М., 1983.
4. Соссюр Ф. Труды по языкознанию / пер. под ред. А. А. Холодовича. М., 1977.
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7. Franz M. Von Gorgias bis Lukrez. Antike Ästhetik und Poetik als verglei-chende Zeichentheorie. Berlin, 1999.
8. Friedländer P. Pattern of Sound and Atomistic Theory in Lucretius // The American Journal of Philology. 1941. Vol. 62, №. 1. P. 16—34.
9. Gandon F. De dangereux édifices. Saussure lecteur de Lucrèce. Les cahiers d’anagrammes consacrés au De rerum natura. Louvain; P., 2002.
10. Gasparov B. Beyond Pure Reason. Ferdinand de Saussure's Philosophy of Language and Its Early Romantic Antecedents. N. Y., 2013.
11. Gronas M. Just what word did Mandel’shtam forget? A mnemopoetic solution to the problem of Saussure’s anagrams // Poetics today. 2009. Vol. 30, № 2. Р. 155—205.
12. Lestayo J. R. S. Les mots sous les choses: Starobinski, Borges, Saussure // Modern Language Notes. 2014. Vol. 129, № 2 (Hispanic Issue). Р. 330—351.
13. Starobinski J. Les mots sous les mots. Les anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saus-sure. P., 1971.
14. Starobinski J. Lettres et syllabes mobiles. Complément à la lecture des Cahiers d’anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saussure // Littérature. 1995. Vol. 99. P. 7—18.
15. Testenoire P.-Y. Sur une philologie anagrammatique: rencontre d’un linguiste (Saussure) et d’un poète (Tzara) // Fabula-LhT. 2008. № 5. URL: http://www. fabula. org/lht/5/testenoire. html (дата обращения: 02.06.2015).
16. Testenoire P.-Y. Ferdinand de Saussure à la recherché des anagrammes. P., 2013.
17. The New Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics / ed. A. Preminger, N. V. F. Brogan. Princeton, 1993.
18. Wunderli P. Ferdinand de Saussure und die Anagramme. Linguistik und Literatur. Tübingen, 1972.