Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2015 Issue №5

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Sociocultural factors of cross-cultural sensitivity in university students



This article presents a theoretical analysis of the social-cultural factors contributing to the development of intercultural sensitivity of university students. The social environment of students’ training plays an important role in the development of intercultural sensitivity. Of special importance are three aspects: the size of the city or the type of the urban environment where students are study and live; the multicultural features of the environment – both of the city and the university; the capacity of the environment to create condi-tions for diverse social experience.
Special role in the development of intercultural sensitivity is played by the academic specialization: the humanities develop not only professional competence, focused on the other person but also personal qualities that con-tribute to sensitivity to cultural differences of others.
The results of the study show that the most important factors of intercul-tural sensitivity development are the academic specialisation and the type of the urban environment.


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