Natural and medical sciences

2015 Issue №7

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The abundance and territorial distribution of the Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra) and Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) in Kaliningrad



This article studies the Coot and Moorhen breeding in urban conditions. Seven years’ (1999—2003, 2006 -2007) field studies resulted in the compilation of an atlas of the Kaliningrad region’s nesting birds. The city territory was divided into 206 plots of an area of 1 km2. The urbanisation rate was estimated on a scale of 1 to 5. Kaliningrad is home to 208 breeding pairs of coots and 56 of moorhens. The Coot is more widespread (present in 25.2 % of the plots) than the Moorhen (13.6 %). The population density of the Coot reaches 10—15 pairs per km2 in the most suitable habitats with an average density of only 4.0 pairs per km2. The population density of the Moorhen reaches 5 pairs per km2 in optimal habitats with an average density of 2.0 pairs per km2. A negative correlation between the number of birds and the urbanisation rate of the city territory is observed in the Moorhen (r s = — 0.44; P <0.05). The breeding area of the Moorhen has increased over the last decades. The Coot breeding area has not changed significantly, whereas the population density has increased.


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