Natural and medical sciences

2014 Issue №7

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A comparison of the condition of the sand hopper Talitrus saltator Montagu, 1808 groups depending on the ecology of the Vistula and Curonian Spits’ coast



A study into the condition of Talitrus saltator Montagu, 1808 groups on the coast of the Vistula and the Curonian Spits in April — October 2011 showed significant differences in the seasonal dynamics of key parameters characterizing these groups. On the Curonian Spit, an increase in the average and total abundance and biomass of Talitridae is ensures through a normal life cycle. On the Vistula Spit, the preservation of a relatively stable average and total abundance and biomass is explained by an increase in the number of juveniles that replace older age groups in July — August, which can be interpreted as a response to intensified anthropogenic stress.


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