Natural and medical sciences

2014 Issue №7

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An environmental analysis of the red-backed shrike’s and barred warbler’s nutrition in the conditions of sympatric habitation in natural and anthropogenic stations



We studied the features of altricial trophism in the barred warbler and red-backed shrike in 2004—2013. The collection of data on the nutrition of altricial chicks was carried out in the Ryazan region both in natural (Spas-Klepiki district) and in manmade (Ryazan outskirts) habitats. A comparative analysis of the data showed that both species are characterized by considerable dietary plasticity. In each station, the species composition of prey and the mass concentration of trophic groups differed substantially. The taxonomic composition of the birds’ diet is largely determined by the structure of the insect fauna of foraging microstations, thus, the identified plasticity of both species’ nutrition makes it possible for the birds to adjust to the local conditions, which, in its turn, optimises foraging and contributes to a decrease in competitive pressure in each community. The main dietary differences between these species lie in the foraging tactics: ambushing in the red-backed shrike and searching in the shrub layer and tall grass in the barred warbler. The preference of barred warbler and red-backed shrike for large food items is a significant limiting factor for their synanthropization, since, in human settlements and their outskirts, such invertebrates are more vulanerable to human activities.


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