Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2014 Issue №2

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The synergy effect of economic metaphor in the interdiscursive space



This article considers the discursive models of developing the synergetic potential of economic metaphors. A cluster model of metaphor synergy is built on the basis of intertextual metaphor, which creates a powerful field of conceptual tension. It is shown that the economic metaphor acts as an instrument of sense production in the interdiscursive space. A study into the intertextual metaphor helps to describe the process of sense saturation and compaction of a text through creating new sources of entropy and successive clarification of semantic ambiguity. The analysis brings to light the interaction of various vehicles of sense which cannot be deduced from systemic semantics and belong to the sphere of discursive semantics. The intricate cluster chain contains units that not only actualize the shared implicit ethno-cultural senses, but also create unpredictable trajectories of semantic development.


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