Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Theoretical aspects of education

The correction of university students’ knowledge as a subject of pedagogical studies


This article is devoted to the little-studied pedagogical problem of correcting higher university students’ knowledge. The authors offer a definition of the concept of “knowledge correction” and identify its essence, objectives, orientation, structure, functions and results within the training process. Тhe article considers the system of knowledge correction methods, including personalized knowledge correction tests. The authors focus on the interrelation between didactic control and knowledge correction and identify the principles of organizing knowledge correction at a university.

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The theoretical framework of the process of social and pedagogical support for children at a teen club


This article analyses the theoretical framework for supporting activities at cultural and leisure establishments, particularly, teen clubs. The authors present a model of socio-pedagogical support for children at teen clubs and describe its goals and objectives, principles, stages, and ways of practical implementation. The article emphasizes the need to create a program for socio-pedagogical support for teenagers based on the model presented and offers the key characteristics of the program, as well as the methods of its implementation.

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The competence and acmeological approach to active design in the system of continuous professional education


This article presents an innovative educational process — active design, which is used as a basic educational process in the system of continuous professional education. The organization of the continuous professional education system requires the application of competence and acmeological approaches.

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Educational process planning in an information society


This article dwells upon the problem of structuring the educational process in an information society. The factors influencing the educational process in an information society are identified in the article. The model of educational process of personalizing students’ education is offered. The efficiency of the personalized e-learning environment educational technology applied by the author is assessed.

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Psychological and pedagogical studies

On the connection between the phenomena of corporeity and welfare in the adolescent self-awareness


This article considers two phenomena of adolescent self-adolescence: the awareness of one's bodily experience and psychological well-being. The author puts forward a hypothesis that these phenomena might be connected. An empirical study helps identify three groups of test persons: those with vital, conformal, and personal reflection types of bodily capacities. The article emphasizes the positive relation between the level of bodily capacity awareness and the level of general psychological well-being.

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School lifestyle as a pedagogical category and a phe-nomenon of reality


This article analyzes approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “school lifestyle” and compares it with the concepts of “school climate”, “school spirit”, and “hidden education”. The article offers the author's understanding of school lifestyle as a well-established form of everyday school life. The key components of lifestyle are as follows: axiological, subjective-environmental, and structural- procedural ones. It is shown that the most important conditions of the school lifestyle formation are school life traditions and the school’s organizational structure.

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The use of MOS-SF-36 health survey for identifying specific psychological characteristics in primary school students with somatic pathologies


This article reports the results of a study into the quality of life of younger students with the help of MOS-SF-36 survey. Its information capacity is proved in case of identifying the psychological health components of health in children who suffered from iron deficiency anemia at a younger age. The author identified the long-term adverse effect of iron deficiency on the cognitive development and psychological health at primary school age.

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Theoretical problems of developing a healthcare strategy for students within a regional education system


The author's treatment of key concepts and terms of strategic planning is given in the article in relation to health protection of those studying within an education system, namely, the concept and strategy of health protection, strategic choice of education system, the purpose of students’ health protection, the object and agent of health protection strategy. Preventive adaptability is interpreted as a characteristic feature of strategic planning of student’s health protection.

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The problems of health protection socialisation of children at pre-school educational institutions


This article focuses on the results of health behavior diagnostic of pre-school children. They indicate that pre-school education is the only element of education system that pays attention to children’s healthcare and development of health skills. This article discusses the problems of healthcare socialization of children at pre-school educational institutions and possible

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An assessment of relations of an individual in the immediate social environment on the basis of social network analysis


This article examines the psychological aspect of criteria for evaluating an individual’s position within the structure of relations in the community they belong to. The author shows how statistical methods used in analyzing social networks can help obtain information on the degree and type of the individual’s involvement into the system of relations and identifies the psychological significance of the actor’s centrality within a social network as a degree of the individual’s involvement into the immediate environments and the institutional system of relations.

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Parental support and psychological health of children and adolescents


This article describes the features of parental support as a socio-psychological phenomenon and its relation to psychosomatic health (depression, anxiety, and somatization) in children and adolescents. The author presents a probability structural- functional model of parental support covering its content, components, and functions. Congruity, accessibility, and complementarity are suggested as efficiency criteria.

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Children’s subculture as a component of social development of older pre-school children


This article discusses the features of psychological impact of culture (the communicative component of children’s subculture) on social development of a child of an older pre-school age. Children’s subculture should be considered as one of the essential factors of social development of preschool children.

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Professional training

The implementation of the competence approach of the Federal state educational standards at a medical university


This article reports the result of test mode introduction of project learning at a medical university. This technology is used within the curriculum of the “Medical Cybernetics” field of study. The process brought together a state medical university (professors), clinics (medical personnel), and a private development company (system analysts). Six years of using project learning in education proved the efficacy of this technology at a medical university.

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Research on the features of personnel training for service enterprises in the framework of cross-border cooperation


This article considers the system of staff training for service industry in view of the implemented cross-border cooperation programs, emphasizes the need for a broader use of the practical approach in training students at institutes and colleges, and identifies key competences of graduates required by employers.

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A justification of the content of professional training of masters in «Tourism» at IKBFU


This article considers the current state of the existing system of education in the Russian Federation and analyses the main problems of the development of human resources potential within the tourism industry, as well as the trends in the training of specialists in tourism and hospitality. The author emphasizes the need for training masters in tourism within the “Tourism” field of study and identifies the desired characteristics of a specialist’s qualification.

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Sports and healthcare technologies

The optimisation of athletes’ training process through controlling individual immune-regenerative and biochemical blood parameters


This article considers a number of cell indicators of the organism that can be potentially used for the individual monitoring of selecting graduated exercises, which contributes to an increase in the efficiency of athlete’s training. A number of the most reactive indicators (hematologic and biochemical indicators, subpopulation structure), which alter to a degree in comparison to the reference parameters, are identified.

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Research of young scientists

Social representations of healthy eating: an empirical study


This article considers the issue of healthy eating as a component of healthy lifestyle from the perspective of social psychology. The author reports the results of a pilot study into the social representations of “healthy eating” among university students. The article analyses structural units of a social representation of “healthy and unhealthy food”, the opinions of young people about their own diet, motives behind choosing certain products, and the sources of information about them being good/bad for health.

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The orientation of professional training of future specialists towards the formation of their readiness to work on the improvement of relations among older pre-school children


This article describes various aspects of the preparation of future specialists for working towards the improvement of relationships between children of pre-school age and reports the results of scientific experiments aimed at the formation of future specialists’ readiness for working towards improving relationships between children of pre-school age. The author proposes a model of such readiness and proves its effectiveness.

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A qualimetric assessment of students’ academic achievements


This article proposes a methodology for the qualimetric evaluation of students’ achievements developed within IKBFU’s project “The development of an independent qualimetric system of assessing academic achievements of students and evaluating the academic staff” (the project team included V.V. Nordin, A.V. Yurov, N.V. Belkina, and K.L. Polupan). The proposed methodology uses a comprehensive approach to identifying quality levels of individual components of student activities and the total of their ranking. A “tree of ranking” is used as a visual aid.

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A correlation between the components of attitude towards health behaviour in adult students


This article analyses the results of an empirical study of the structure of attitudes towards health behaviour in students of the age of 25—35 carried out with the help of a psychological questionnaire. The author stresses the disharmony in the development of cognitive, emotional-evaluative, and conativebehavioural components of health attitude. The conclusion is made that the prevalence of the cognitive component of the attitude does not ensure a strong attitude towards health behaviour.

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A comparative analysis of health behaviour factors in children in the conditions of family education: Russian and American cases


his article presents a comparative analysis of the factors of family education influencing children’s health behavior and life expectancy. The work is based on two empirical studies conducted in the U.S. (Utah) and the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad region), as well as the Republic of Belarus.

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