The humanities and social science

The humanities and social science


Theoretical problems of regional economy and entrepreneurship

The development of regional aspects of theory of entrepreneurship


This article analyses major approaches to the development of entrepreneurship theory relating to its regional aspects. The author emphasizes the need and describes the possibility of applying interdisciplinary approach to the development of regional aspects of entrepreneurship theory. The theoretical assumptions and conclusions presented in the article can be used in research on theory of entrepreneurship and the preparation of training, methodological, and research literature.

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Approaches to entrepreneurship development through assessing the validity of economic knowledge


This article emphasizes the need to develop methodologies through applying valid economic knowledge within research approaches used in writing final and PhD theses in order to apply this knowledge in the development of entrepreneurship in the context of model approaches. The proposed methodological approach in the field of economic education contributes to the training of highly qualified specialists in economics.

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The problems of assessing the efficiency of budget investment finacning through the prgoramme-target method


The article describes the major legal acts regulating the transition to budget planning through the program-target method, offers an analysis of the general features of planning the federal and Kaliningrad regional budgets through this method, considers the concepts of investment, budgetary investment, and the procedure of its realization within the regional budget, and describes the requirements for investment projects, as well as the problems of assessing efficient financing of budgetary investments evaluation.

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The evolution of the essence of the concept of “business efficiency” and its features in the regional media business


This article classifies the concept of "business efficiency", which have been used by economic scholars for a long time. The innovative component of this work lies in the authors’ definition of media business efficiency alongside the identification of the primary goal of media company management in today’s Russia. The article offers a classification of methods of identifying different types of efficiency of media structures.

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Economic aspects of border and coastal regions

A regional level of integration processes: the opportunities for public-private partnership (the case of entrepresneurship)


This article explores the possibility of using the methods of public-private partnership (PPP) in integration processes, including those at a regional level.The author offers a typology of PPP projects and models of cooperation between business and authorities with regard to integration. The article describes specific practices of implementing PPP projects within foreign economic activity and attraction of foreign investors. The author formulates the priority tasks of developing interaction between public structures and business community.

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The basic trends in the development of bilateral trade between the Kaliningrad and Grodno regions


This article examines foreign trade activities between the cooperating regions of the Union State of Russia and Belarus determined by the bilateral convergence of national economies for solving common economic problems and developing regional economies. The author identifies the degree of present cooperation, explores possible future scenarios, and emphasizes the key aspects of interaction between the regions.

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An evaluation of the current condition of entrepreneurship within the Kaliningrad fishing industry


Today, the fishing industry of the Kaliningrad region is experiencing depression. The reduction in the fleet as a result of its depreciation resulted in a decrease in catch and production, as well as income and profitability. The funds of enterprises are insufficient for vessel construction, thus they cannot develop at the moment without public support.

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Problems of applied economics

On the role of government regulation in creating conditions for the development of Russian regions: the case of tariff policy


The elimination of disparities in the economic conditions of regional development is an important task of government regulation. The tariff policy influences the economic development of Russia and different regions. The market incentives for innovation are not sufficiently strong. The rise in prices and tariffs has a negative impact on cost structure and production efficiency. The research conducted shows the degree of variation in the level and dynamics of prices and rates in each region and provides a basis for analyzing the conditions of economic development and their comparison at a regional level. The paper shows the impact of tariff policy on the development of regional markets and the creation of conditions for economic development.

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The role of statistical and economic and mathematical modelling in applied research


The research problem of increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities and the management of business units and institutional structures serves as a framework for describing current trends in applied research on the basis of statistical and economic-mathematical (SEM) modeling. The authors explore the possibilities of using modern information technologies in applied economics and management studies, the prospects of economic agreement studies based on SEM modeling in STATISTICA ™ and MATLAB ™.

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A methodological approach to the typology of regions on the basis of competitiveness evaluation


This article offers an approach to the typology of regions based on competitiveness as an integral index of socioeconomic development. The author justifies the key criteria of systematization – the level and dynamics of competitiveness.The regions of three federal districts of the Russian Federation were grouped and competitive and problem regions were identified on the basis of earlier (2002-2011) calculated data on competitiveness.

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Prerequisites for organisational changes at manufacturing enterprises


This article presents generalized approaches to the concept of organizational changes. The main factors of internal and external environment influencing the introduction of changes at a construction company are identified and grouped. A factor analysis is performed on the basis of an expert survey, the response consistency is estimated with the help of Cronbach's alpha coefficient in SPSS, and the areas of organizational changes in the company are identified.

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Innovative aspects of economy modernisation

Tools for developing and implementing the innovative policy of a region


This article focuses on the tools of development and introduction of innovation policy at the mesolevel, which serves as an integral part of the innovation policy of a state and the driving force of regional competitiveness. The author presents the results of innovative activity ranking of Russian regions, pays attention to the innovative potential of the Kaliningrad region, and considers the decisions of public authorities and the recent developments in the field of innovations in Russia.

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The development of a mechanism for stimulating the innovative activity of small enterprises


This article analyses the current problems of stimulating innovation activity of small businesses in the Russian Federation. The problems of development of financial institutions for innovation support, financial and production-technological subsystems of the innovation infrastructure, and staff recruitment are examined in the case of the Kaliningrad region. Special attention is paid to the problems of business incubator creation and functioning.

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Strategic competitiveness of organisations in knowledge economy


The process of ensuring the strategic competitiveness of organisations in the conditions when knowledge assets become the decisive development factor is analysed. The author considers a number of modern research concepts striving to explain the development and sustaining of stable competitive advantages of organisations in the dynamic environment of global economy. The article explores the features of the impact of development programmes of the leading educational centres on strategic competitiveness.

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The impact of innovative factors on the development of Russian regions


This article explores the influence of innovative factors on the gross regional product. The following statistic indicators are chosen as factors: the volume of innovative goods, works and services and expenditure on technological innovations. The calculations are performed through the method of correlation analysis for thirty three regions and three federal districts of Russia. The 2000—2010 official statistical data are used. The authors substantiate the possibility of using the correlation analysis for evaluating the connection between innovative processes and regional development.

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Improvement of legal regulation of social relations

Possession and possessory protection: the problems of legal regulation and practical implementation in the context of civil law reforms


This article focuses on the issues of introduction of possession and possessory protection into the Russian Civil Code. It is emphasized that the authors of the draft bill did not manage either to develop a consistent approach to possession as a fact or justify theoretically the need for such innovation and its practical significance for modern Russian law and order.

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The legal regime of taxation of education organisations in the Russian Federation


This article considers the features of the regime of taxation of educational organizations in view of the latest changes to the tax law; the author analyses major issues pertaining to specific tax exemptions granted to organizations, pays attention to legal disputes relating to the application of the tax law, and comes to a conclusion about the current need to optimize the taxation of educational institution activities.

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The creation of a competitive investment climate in Russia as a basis for modernisation: the legal aspects


This paper addresses a number of pressing problems of the creation of a favorable investment climate in Russia as a major factor of modernization and justifies the need to improve the investment legislation. The investment potential of Russia is ensured through a high level of demand of the producing sector for capital and the existing prerequisites for its implementation. Another way to improve the state economic policy is to ensure smooth functioning of the market infrastructure and the development of private enterprises.

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The “Königsberg syndrome” in the law enforcement practices in the Kaliningrad region: the problems and the ways to solve them


This article analyzes the practical application of mechanism of privatization of accommodations in blocks of flats. The privatization of isolated residential accommodations in smaller blocks of flats is conducted in Kaliningrad by lessees and their family members following the pattern of a communal flat, i. e. only the living area of the house is taken into account when calculating the shares of proprietors.

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On the establishment of state borders and delimitation of marine areas of the Russian Federation in the Kaliningrad region zone


This article considered the stage and features of formation of the state border with Poland and Lithuania, as well as the delimitation of the Russian marine area in the Kaliningrad region zone. The Polish border was established by the Soviet-Polish border agreement of 1945. It was of astronomical nature and did not take into account the earlier administrative and economic structure of East Prussia. Since 1993, representatives of the Kaliningrad region participated in the negotiation on the Russian-Lithuanian border. This border replicated the Lithuanian-German border of 1928 and was of orographic nature. The termination of negotiation on the state border of the Russian Federation and the delimitation of marine areas in the Baltic Sea with Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden in 2005 made it possible to define the geographical parameters of the territory of the Kaliningrad region and adjacent territorial waters and the Russian exclusive economic zone.

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