Natural and medical sciences

2013 Issue №1

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Protection of steel from corrosion and hydrogen absorption by organic inhibitors: experimental and quantum-chemical studies



The step-strip anodic dissolution technique was used to obtain concentration profiles of cathodic evolved H2 across the depth of Cr-Ni1810 steel under corrosion in water-salt media in the presence of SRB. The proposed approximation of the experimentally obtained distribution of hydrogen along the depth of steel by means of standard Gaussian function made it possible to establish the integral hydrogen content of the sub-layer (up to 80 μm) with high degree of accuracy. The efficiency of protective actions of the studied organic compounds against corrosion and hydrogen absorption by steel were compared with the data of quantum chemical computations performed for isolated molecules of the studied inhibitors with the help of the MNDO method. The results obtained point to
a difference in the protective mechanisms of the studies inhibitors in case of anticorrosion action and hydrogen absorption by steel.


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