Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2012 Issue №8

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Sergiusz Piasecki’s The Tower of Babel: the poetics of the genre



This article considers the genre poetics of the novels by the Polish writer of Belarusian descent, Sergiusz Piasecki. The authors identify the features of artistic incarnation of the actual autobiographical material, the genre forming role of Belarusian and Russian substrata, the influence of the tradition of Russian classical novel, as well as the manifestation of the elements of adventure and ideological novels.


1. Бахтин М. Эстетика словесного творчества. М., 1979.
2. Песецкий С. Человек, превращенный в волка. Минск, 2012.
3. Пясецкі С. Аўтадэнунцыяцыя // Памiж.02. Культурая контрабанда :[сайт]. URL: (дата обращения: 12.02.2012).
4. Рагойша П. В. Творчасць Сяргея Пясецкага: праблема жанрава-стылевай адметнасці : автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. Мінск, 2001.