Efficiency of a pedagogical model for preventing unemployment among Russian students: Analysis and data interpretation
This paper sets out to examine empirical implications of the multifunc-tional system applicability of unemployment preventionism among young people at colleges and universities in Russia. A statistical analysis of the data obtained proved the efficiency of experimental training contributing to the de-velopment of key professional activities in students based on the proposed model of a pedagogical ...
Interdepartmental collaboration for the prevention of drug addiction in young people: general conclusions and recommendations
... Российской Федерации и ее субъектах: государственный антинаркотический комитет. М., 2014.
Brylev V., Isupova I.
monitoring, drug abuse, interdepartmental interaction, drug addiction, young people, drug-related crimes, prevention
The contribution of TV commercials to the development of self-care behaviour in the youth
... the youth. It is shown that the formation of relevant attitudes and the adoption of self-care behavior models is strongly affected by the contents of the TV media space.
Alimpieva A., Selivanova A.
self-care behavior, healthcare socialization of young people, TV commercials