The features of implementation of the modal meaning of obligation in S. Yesenin’s axiological world view
... of S. Yesenin’s poetry, the authors consider the text function of linguistic units expressing the modal meaning of necessity. The article offers their functional and semantic hierarchy and describes their role in analysing the poet’s axiological world view.
Список сокращений
МАС — Словарь русского языка: в 4 т. / АН СССР, Ин-т рус. яз.; под ред. А.
П. Евгеньевой. М., 1981—1984.
Бабенко Л.
Г., Васильев ...
Phraseologisms with the кот/katė component in the Russian and Lithuanian language pictures of the world
... of semantics of Russian and Lithuanian zoonym phraseology with the кот/katė component. Its semantic and structural systematization is carried out, linguocultural peculiarities of phraseological units containing the кот/katė component in the world view of Russian and Lithuanian native speakers are revealed.
1. Гумбольдт В. Избранные труды по языкознанию. М., 2000.
2. Зайнуллина Л. М. Композиционная семантика производного ...