The features of heavy metal accumulation in forest mushrooms in the Kaliningrad region
This articles examines the ability of wild mushrooms to accumulate heavy metals. The concentration of Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb in the fruit-ing bodies of forest mushrooms was determined using AAS techniques. It is established that certain mushroom species accumulate cadmium and silver,...
The accumulation of heavy metals by wild mushrooms in the Kaliningrad region
... Elmastas M. et al. Analysis of heavy metals in some wild-grown edible mushrooms from the middle black sea region, Turkey //Food Chemistry. 2004. № 86. P. 547—552.
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7. Бакайтис В. И., Басалаева С. Н. Содержание макро- и микроэлементов в дикорастущих ...