“Enchantment for the eyes” through the eyes of foreigners: how foreign students perceive Russian verbal image in сatch phrases
Those foreigners who study the Russian language, experience great difficulties in the perception of literary speech. These difficulties are brought about by the verbal images which saturate the literary speech. Even greater difficulties arise when foreigners encounter verbal images as part of catchwords. The paper describes the experimental stage of the research focused on identifying the specifics of teaching foreigners to perceive verbal images as part of famous catch phrases. The article presents...
Seme-symbol as a means of novel meaning formation in denominal verbs
The paper describes the results of denominal verb analysis. Corpora of media texts provide material for the analysis. The author explores patterns of novel meaning formation in denominal verbs. The proposed method is based on the notion of ‘seme-symbol’. The author reconstructions the semantic ...
Translation and the ‘soft’ bridges of communication
Translation Studies scholars, on the whole, have struggled to reconcile abstract, metaphorical concepts of translation with the notion of translation as understood in the commercial world of communication, that of a product to be obtained through quick, efficient and cost-cutting processes of transfer across verbal languages. Yet both ideas of translation imply exchanges of perspective between domains, cultures and senses and are inspiring conceptually, artistically and socially. Bonds between...
Verb collocations of the semantic field «Memory» with the component ‘Vergangenheit’ in the German media
The article analyzes verb collocations of the semantic field “Memory” with the component ‘Vergangenheit’, which are commonly used in German media; it describes structural, semantic and syntagmatic characteristics of the verb collocations. The source of the research ...
State verbs in the progressive aspect in the contemporary Indian English
The article analyzes the texts of the English-language periodicals and the works of the English-speaking Indian writers to see how the continuous aspect (Progressive / Continuous aspect) is used with state verbs: physical perception, emotional state and mental activity. Authentic texts of Indian national and regional print media were used as research material: editorial and news materials, interviews, wedding announcements. The analysis of authentic English-language ...
On the essence and mechanisms of non-verbal communications in a language class at a school for the visually impaired
In this article, I analyse the significance of using non-verbal communication when teaching languages to visually impaired students. I consider in the context of learning activities the malfunctions and distortions of non-verbal behaviour mechanisms in blind and visually impaired students. I present my earlier tested strategy for overcoming physical, psychological, and language barriers by learning languages.
1. Вялкина Е. А., Портнов Е. А. Инклюзивное образование как педагогическая инновация...
'Indifference' Verbal Reflexes in Contemporary Russian Language
The article analyses the pragmatic and onomasiological aspects of ‘indifference’ verbal reflexes in the contemporary Russian language. The author deals with the challenges of speech reactions studies connected with national peculiarities and indirect speech representations.
Гак В.
Речевые рефлексы с речевыми словами // Языковые преобразования. М., 1998. С. 685—691.
Гак В.
Эмоции и оценки в структуре высказывания и текста // Там же. С. 645—662.
Грайс Г.
. Логика...
‘The Word, an Ulcer…’: Aleksey Chicherin’s semiotic utopia
In this article, we analyse the semiotic concept of art created by the constructivist poet Aleksey Chicherin, as presented in his treatise Kan-Fun. We establish the connection between Chicherin’s concept of the ‘sign of Poetry’, on the one hand, and the theoretical research of the early Russian avant-garde and the basic tenets of the semiotic description of the language, on the other. An analysis of Chicherin's theory shows that it rests on an attempt to overcome the linearity of linguistic signs...
The value fundamentals of the “we image” in Russian culture through the prism of mother-child communication
This article interprets the results of an analysis of communicative interaction between a mother and a child in the Russian national linguistic and cultural community. Based on the author’s video corpus of interactions in the mother-child dyads, a number of maternal communication techniques are identified, which are proven to be teleonomic using a cognitive discursive analysis. Using these techniques, mothers create value fundamentals of the Russian ethnic picture of the world in the cognitive experience...
Verb in the lexical structure of hagiographic text: syntagmatic aspect
... syntagmatic aspect of the lexical structure of the hagiographic text, manifested in the distribution of lexical units and their collocations. As a result, a quantitative dynamics of verbal units is identified, reflected in the increase in the proportion of verbs in the part of the hagiography describing the saint’s journey to righteousness. The distribution of verbs throughout the text of different lexical-semantic groups is determined by the type of monastic or martyric asceticism of the saint and the ...
The orientation function of a newspaper headline as a key component of its pragmatics
The orientation function of newspaper headlines is considered as one of its major pragmatic properties. Special attention is paid to analysing verbal and non-verbal means of headline implementation of headlines that significantly increase its pragmatic potential. The study is based on headlines of the Russian federal and regional press of 2010-2013.
1. Александрова А. И., Васильев С. Л. Роль экспликаторов модальных значений в построении газетного заголовка (на материале новостных заметок) // Вестник...
Neologisms with the meaning of “fake” goods in modern Russian
... of counterfeit goods. The cognitive mechanisms underlying their formation are identified, based on the metonymic or metaphorical use of the image of fire, as represented in the root morpheme pal-. It is noted that the word-formation paradigm of the verb palit’ has expanded with the addition of derivatives with figurative meanings, including the adjectives palёny, samopalny, and the nouns palёnka, pal’, and palevo. The processes of these units’ combinatory expansion are described, reflecting ...
Conflictogenicity of digital communication forms in the aspect of linguistic security (on the comments on blogs of the Yandex-Zen platform)
The object of this study is a blog as a form of digital communication that often violate the linguistic security. The subject of the study was the comments of Yandex-Zen blogs about cooking and beauty as a tool for the implementation of verbal abuse. The purpose of the study is to highlight the linguo-conflictogenic components of discourse that violate the linguistic security of participants in digital communication. To achieve this goal, a descriptive method and the method of discursive analysis...
A literary image as a cognitive phenomenon
The article is an attempt to examine the terms «image» and «literary image» as a concept of cognitive science (in humanities: linguistics, psychology, cognitive studies, literary studies). It analyses different approaches to defining these terms, aiming at focusing on a cognitive definition of image. The article contains an overview of the analysis of the term in psychology: psychoanalytic approach, the theory of reflection, cognitive psychology. It describes cognitive features of image and the...
On the problem of interpreting the concept of SPACE in Russian and foreign linguistics
This article considers the relationship between the TIME and SPACE concepts. The features of modeling space parameters in human cognitive ac-tivities and the universal ways of verbalization of space structures and attri-butes are analyzed. The research is focused on the theory of primary and se-condary space deixis put forward by the German linguist A. Friderici, which presents a system of coordinates giving the subject of cognition the possibility to navigate in the surrounding space.
1. Беседина...
The functioning of performatives in the texts of documents: The case of appeal letters
This article deals with the functional and semantic features of performative verbs in the texts of documents. Performatives are defined as significant structure and content components of text solving the pragmatic task of establishing the contact between the addresser and addressee. The author identifies the communicative and ...
Some aspects of the speech portrait of the German president, J. Gauck as observed in political speeches
This article discusses the verbal behavior of the German President, Joachim Gauck, in political communications. The author analyses the linguisticstylistic and pragmalinguistic means employed in the texts of his political speeches. Special attention is paid to the strategy of dialogue with supporters, which includes the tactics of cohesion, promises, compliments and praise, "indirect positive pressure”, question formation, and behavior regulation through giving advice.
1. Гаджиев К. С. Политическая...