The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Ansatasiya’s Amnesia”
The second article of the series considers the role of the vegetative code in conveying the core of N. Kononov’s hidden semantic system, namely, the de-velopment of the dual and the plural from the singular I (ego). The paronymy between the Russian koren (root) and the English corn makes it possible to progress to the ...
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia”. 1. Look for the roots!
... Этимологический словарь русского языка : в 4 т. М., 1986. Т. 1.
9. Фрейденберг О. М. Поэтика сюжета и жанра. М., 1997.
Dmitrovskaya M.
Nikolai Kononov, “Amnesia of Anastasia”, mytopoetics, vegetative code, language game, anagram, multilingual anagrammatic code, “old-young” opposition, “top-bottom” opposition