Construction works impact on the vegetation in the сoastal zone of the Pregolya river in Kaliningrad
... eco-systems in the city of Kaliningrad due to the anthropogenic transformation of the coastal area from 2013 to 2018. The work identifies the modern structure of the Pregolya eco-systems. The research included standard methods of studying the aquatic vegetation. The lower current of the river Pregolya within the Kaliningrad city borders is studied for the period from 2013—2019. The associations are named in the traditions of the dominant system. It is established that the total number of species ...
The use of the fluctuating asymmetry coefficient as a quality assessment criteria for morphometric adaptation of wood vegetation to technogenic conditions
The article is focused on the development of a methodology for quantitative assessment of adaptive changes magnitude in woody vegetation in the vicinity of the Gomel Polissyе major industrial enterprises on the basis the of leaf blades fluctuating asymmetry index. This justifies the possibility of using this value as a criterion for assessing the woody vegetation adaptation ...
The geochronology of the Holocene vegetation deve¬lopment in the South-east Baltic region (based on the results of a paleogeographic study)
This article presents the results a of complex palaeogeographical study of Velikoye peat bog (the Šešupė River basin, the Kaliningrad region). The pollen analysis accompanied by radiocarbon dating, makes it possible to reconstruct the vegetation development, on the basis of which the climate changes in the South-east Baltic region over the Atlantic-Subatlantic periods of the Holocene can be tracked.
Дружинина О.
Финальный палеолит Юго-Восточной ...
The human impact on the chemical composition of plants in large industrial centres: The case of the city of Gomel
... article considers the features of heavy metal accumulation in individual plants of the true grasses and spurge families in two industrial areas in the city of Gomel and outside the city. The author analyses the heavy metal accumulation in the aquatic vegetation in the city’s waterways. It is shown that, in industrial areas, the Gramineae are charactersied by higher cadmium, barium, nickel, and molybdenum concentrations and the Euphorbiaceae by those of chromium. Aquatic plants show higher levels ...
The classification of the Aral and Caspian Sea vegetation
The classification presented covers 3 vegetation types, 14 formation classes, 35 formation groups, 64 formations (57 on the Aral Sea and 45 on the Caspian Sea coast). A comparative phytocoenotic diversity analysis showed close similarity (0,76). Most formations are formed by halophytes (45)....
Study of the physical and geographical conditions of the territory of the Kemerovo region — Kuzbass for the purpose of reclamation works
... more favorable conditions for sediment accumulation are created. Kemerovo Region is characterized by diverse geomorphological conditions and a varied climate. The main factors contributing to the climate include atmospheric circulation, relief, and vegetation. The combination of these factors shapes the climatic characteristics of the region. Overall, there is a general pattern in the distribution of temperature and humidity. In the mountains of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoria, it is humid,...
New data on air and soil temperature in vegetation communities of the Karakum Desert
... Температурный режим песков пустыни Каракум и динамика растительности // Вестник ЛГУ. Сер. геол. и геогр. 1965. Вып. 4, № 24. С. 89—98.
Dedkov V. P.
landscape, vegetation community, air and soil temperature.
Soil resources and soil cover structure Kemerovo region — Kuzbass
... loamy; the transitional horizon is unevenly colored, with signs of gleying, heavy loamy; the presence of a small amount of sandy fractions throughout the profile; soil-forming rock; stratified sandy loam or loam.
Osintseva M.A.
soil, structure, vegetation cover, biota, potential drainage, Taldinsky coal mine
Formation of a reclamation layer at open-cast mining
... Also, the amount of fine-grained soil should not be lower than 5—10 %. Otherwise, a fertile soil layer should be applied to the planned surface of the reclamation layer of the required thickness.
Osintseva M.A.
reclamation, disturbed lands, vegetation cover, fertile layer, potentially fertile rocks, fertile soil layer