Semantic diffusion: the bilingual aspect
This article deals with the problem of semantic diffusion on the level of polysemantic and paronymic lexical units. A hypothesis on the storage of lexical-semantic variations of a polysemantic word in the mental lexicon of native speakers in diffusive way is developed on the basis of experimental research.
1. Английская синонимика: введение в теорию синонимии и методику ...
Changes in prices for basic consumer basket goods: The case of the Kaliningrad region
This article presents the results of a study into changes in prices for goods constituting the minimum consumer basket. The analysis uses the indicative method based on studying variations in the chain growth rate of prices, trends method, and time series variation. The calculations made it possible to describe changes in prices for staple food in the Kaliningrad region over the past ten years.
1. Борисова А. А., Ермолаев ...
Variability of stress in the past tense verbs, short participles and short adjectives
... Русское словесное ударение : учеб. пособие. М., 2017.
17. Хазагеров Т. Г. Ударение в русском словоизменении. Ростов н/Д, 1985.
Abyzov A. A., Zdorikova Yu. N.
word stress, variation, pronouncing dictionary, student discourse