«Cultivate Your Garden»: Natural Existence Utopia of Enlightenment Man in Park and Garden Landscapes (on the Example of “Life and Adventures” by Andrei Bolotov)
This article considers the realisation of the Enlightenment landscape utopia on the example of the analysis of the evolution of utopian ideas by Andrei Bolotov in his autobiographical work “Life and Adventures”. The author of the article outlines the destruction of ‘natural state’ of a human being by the realities ...
Transcultural russification of the Buddhist component in the religious and cultural utopia of the cycle “Eurasian Symphony” by I.A. Alimov and V.M. Rybakov
... literature (a version of the theodicy), becomes a part of Russian sacred geography (the co-presence of Orthodox and Buddhist temples on the same land), generates a new, paradoxical idiomatics. The authors of the cycle “Eurasian Symphony” create a utopia of religious and cultural syncretism on the basis of transcultural interaction of religions in the guise of alternative history. At the same time, the main mode of narration in the novels of the cycle is the combination of a serious and ironic ...
Utopian Aspects of Vladimir Sharov's “Become Like Children”
The article analyses Vladimir Sharov's new novel in the context of literary traditions of utopia, dystopia, Lenin myth and antimyth, as well as against the background of the author's creative method.
. Будьте как дети. М.: Вагриус, 2008.
Шаров В
. Есть образ мира, который ...
Bogdan Kistiakovy’s Project of “State of the Future” as Synthesis of the Ideas of Liberalism and Socialism
This article is devoted to the correlation between liberal and socialist ideas in the social and philosophical conception of the prominent methodologist of social sciences and a Neo-Kantian legal theorist Bogdan Kistyakovsky. The author stresses the uncertainty of both the definition of liberalism and the principles behind attributing concrete thinkers to this movement. The article emphasises the inconsistency of classifying Kistyakovsky’s socio-philosophical concept as liberal. The analysis performed...
Light and shades of the Enlightenment. Reflections on “Utopias of the Age of Enlightenment” a book by A. V. Chudinov. M. : Integration: Education and Science, 2017. 96 p.
The article focuses on the book "Utopias of the Age of Enlightenment" by A. V. Chudinov. Analyzing this work, the author reflects on the contradictions and paradoxes of the Enlightenment: the utopian ideals of the Enlightenment, aimed at achieving universal happiness and prosperity,...