The feature of soil mantle in Kaliningrad
This article focuses on the main trends of changing in the morphological properties of urban soils. It was established that urbiquasisoils of a predominant sandy-loam grain-size composition and neutral medium reaction prevail in the Kaliningrad soil mantle. Soddy-podzol, soddy-gley, and brown forest (cambisols) soils are found in some parks and ...
On Characteristic of Soils in Kaliningrad Parks
Антропогенные почвы: генезис, география, рекультивация / под ред. Г.
В. Добровольского. М., 2003.
Antsiferova O., Murachyova L.
park ecosystems, anthropogenic transformation, urban soils, artifacts.
The buffer capacity of soils as alkalization ability
... Калининград, 1999.
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urban soil, buffering capacity, acid-base balance.