On the content of heavy metals in the soils of Kaliningrad urbanised ecosystems
This article studies the quantitative content of heavy metals in the soils of Kaliningrad urban ecosystems. It is shown that urban soils are heavily contaminated with zinc and lead with an at least threefold excess of the TLV. The concentration of copper, nickel, and cobalt is closer to the TLV. The authors emphasize that heavy metal concentrations ...
The methods and techniques of ecological zoning of urban territories
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environmental zoning, functional zoning, urban ecosystems.
Studies of lichen flora of Kaliningrad (a historical review)
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lichens, lichenicolous fungi, urban ecosystems, annotated list
The relevance of studying soil microflora in the vicinity of solid waste disposal sites (the case of Kaliningrad)
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Sadovnikov P., Kurkina M.
urban ecosystems, solid waste, soil, microflora
Seasonal dynamics of actynomyces in Kaliningrad green zone soils
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Kurkina M. V., Rodimova A. A., Dedkov V. P.
urban ecosystems, soil monitoring, Actinomyces.