Urban planning of Russian urban districts: Practices, problems, solutions
... География городов. М., 1997.
12. Хореев Б. С. Проблемы городов (Урбанизация и единая система расселения в СССР). М., 1975.
Chistobayev A., Visleneva O.
urban development, urban district, agglomeration, spatial planning, urban design.
Problems of the development of pre-agglomeration (semiperipheral) municipalities on the example of the Gvardeysk urban district
... solutions. Based on the analysis of statistical data, documents of strategic planning of municipalities, as well as programs for the integrated development of transport infrastructure at the level of the Kaliningrad city agglomeration and the Gvardeysk urban district,the author justifies proposals on the formation of a contractual model for inter-municipal cooperation and modernization of the system of inter-municipal strategic planning through integrated sectoral and infrastructure programs.
1. Белова ...
Economic and demographic distinctions between municipal districts of the Kaliningrad region
... high employment and low unemployment rates. The demand for labour force is partially satisfied through high net migration rate. However, there are obvious distinctions between municipalities. Having analyzed the statistical data on the situation in urban districts, the authors identified territorial differences, influencing the economic and demographic situation in municipalities of different types. It is shown that peripheral eastern municipalities lag behind the western part of the region, where ...