Modern indicators of urban development: challenges and opportunities for creating integral approaches to city management
There is an increasing need for the assessment of urban development rates in the world. In modern Russia, this need is reaffirmed by the transformation of regional economies, the economic acceleration of many major cities, and by the active introduction of strategic management tools (KPI, etc.). The article ...
Kaliningrad Architectural Landscape as a Tourist Attraction
... role of architectural landscape in creating a positive image of a town for tourists; they also provide a background for including historical and cultural landmarks into a traveller’s experience. The authors analyse the results of the international urban development competition for the best concept of the historical area of the centre of Kaliningrad Korolevskaya Gora and Its Surroundings/The Heart of the City. Further, they come up with recommendations on using the most interesting proposals of the contestants ...
Urban planning of Russian urban districts: Practices, problems, solutions
... Лаппо Г. М. География городов. М., 1997.
12. Хореев Б. С. Проблемы городов (Урбанизация и единая система расселения в СССР). М., 1975.
Chistobayev A., Visleneva O.
urban development, urban district, agglomeration, spatial planning, urban design.
The urban palimpsest: the urban development practices in the Kaliningrad region (1945—1990)
This article examines the adaptation of historically developed East Prussian settlement system to the new objectives and functions during the formation of the Kaliningrad region. The author offers an overview of the basic urban development trends in the course of the region’s formation in the ages of Stalin (partial restoration and adaptation of the existing buildings with the minimum infrastructural transformations of towns and villages), Khrushchev (the development of new ...