KANET: application in ultrasonography and challenges of protocoling
... Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015. Vol. 9(1). P. 96—99.
Izranov V., Martinovich M., Kazantseva N.
KANET, neurobehavioral assessment, neurodevelopment, fetus, pregnancy, general movements, computer workstation for ultrasound diagnostics, protocols
The ulrasonographic semiotics of diffuse liver disease: Verification using the point shear-wave elastography
... information systems // World Health Organisation : [сайт]. URL:
(дата обращения: 10.03.2017).
Kobinets Yu. V., Izranov V. A., Martinovich M. V., Kazantseva N. V., Stepanyan I. A.
ultrasound diagnostics, shear wave elastography, liver, fibrosis, cirrhosis, acoustic radiation force impulse