‘The Radical Black Colour’. On the Semantics of the Black Colour in Anarchist Discourse
... used to criticise political representation and the anonymity of power. The primary focus is on the artistic practices of blackout (painting over/blocking out in black ink), which are interpreted in the context of the criticism of the political idea of transparency. In conclusion, the opacity of the black and white colours is compared. It is shown that the colour black can serve as a tool to create a radical semantic gap.
1. Batai, Zh., 1997. Vnutrennii opyt [Internal experience]. St. Petersburg....
Possible manifestations of the quantum Hawking radiation effect in nonlinear optics
The analogy between solitons and black holes is considered for self-induced transparency. In nonlinear optics Hawking radiation can exist. This effect in particular leads to decreasing of soliton energy with time.
Astashenok A. V., Teplyakov A. S.
nonlinear optics, black holes, solitons, Hawking temperature, sine-Gordon ...