Methodological support for the “Human anatomy” discipline for undergraduate students in physical education
... updating and restructuring the methodological framework of the “Human Anatomy” discipline as taught to undergraduate students in physical education. The author presents the structure of the methodological framework created to improve the quality of training process organisation and development of knowledge in students. An assessment of the efficiency of using the methodological framework in the training process is presented.
1. Гнитецкая Т. Н. Современные образовательные ...
Organization of professional in-service training for inclusive education
... care professionals and heads of medical-pedagogical commissions is analysed. The author assesses the efficiency of professional training provided by networks of education, health, and social care institutions. Networking and information technologies helped ... ...
professional education, professional retraining, inclusive education, methodological approaches of professional retraining process, adapted basic education programs
Individual and psychological characteristics of future specialists in university physical education and sport
... presents the results of a study into the individual and psychological characteristics of future specialists in physical education and sport, the analysis of which helps to develop the necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions for increasing the training process efficiency.
1. Акушев Г. М. Формирование готовности будущих учителей физической культуры к профессиональному самообразованию : дис. … канд....
The correction of university students’ knowledge as a subject of pedagogical studies
... little-studied pedagogical problem of correcting higher university students’ knowledge. The authors offer a definition of the concept of “knowledge correction” and identify its essence, objectives, orientation, structure, functions and results within the training process. Тhe article considers the system of knowledge correction methods, including personalized knowledge correction tests. The authors focus on the interrelation between didactic control and knowledge correction and identify the principles of organizing ...